I have a goose egg on my head. It hurts badly. I was holding Levi and Tessa on my lap and we were on our hanging porch swing when the wood snapped from the top. The beam smacked me on my head, HARD, then got Levi and then Tessa. I cried. Mainly cause I was worried about the kids, but it also hurt. Bad. I was channeling my inner Abbey Meers. Concussed unite. It hurts still today. But the bruise and goose egg are under my hair at least.
I want to share a bible verse today, it's popped up twice on my bible/devotion apps within 2 days, so...I hear ya God! James 1:22 "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
Ouch. Seriously. I am a great hearer of the word. I am so inspired every sunday at Church. I have a great church by the way. I'll give a shout out to Newbreak and Pastor Mike Quinn! The rest of the staff there is equally awesome!! But I digress.
I don't know about you, but sometimes the "doing" is hard. It's hard and I don't want to...You know that lady that cuts you off in traffic, she makes me "forget" to love others like God loves me. I could go on and on and on about people that make me want to lose my religion. You know who I'm talking about...Usually what happens right after I judge that person, is the thought "but Trish, you do it too!"
That's a twisted knife in the heart sometimes. Sometimes, it makes me laugh. Depends on the day. I'd like to make it my goal this year, but mainly, this DAY, THIS HOUR, THIS MINUTE, to be a doer of God's word. Cause I can do that. I can do it this minute.
So when Elijah asks me for the 5 billionth time to day for one more last cookie, instead of being frustrated and snapping at him. I'm going to calmly say no and then hug him when he starts to cry. And when Tessa drops to the ground for her 12th tantrum of the day, I'll ask her if she needs a hug instead of a spanking. The doing here would be patience and love...I need more of the fruits of the spirit....but we'll talk about those a different day!!
Speaking of discipline (I said spanking-follow along people!) I am trying super hard to discipline without emotions. It's ok for me to be angry or annoyed etc. Feelings are feelings, feel what you must. BUT I am working to not discipline in an emotional state. Any suggestions?
This is a really rambly day, not much cohesion here, Welcome to my brain. LOL.
I'm going to start posting recipes too, as that was requested. Where should I start? Desserts? Dinners? What?
I'm watching the news and it's DISGUSTING. EW. Well, I need to go clean out my car. I already cleaned the kitchen. Yes, it's perfectly acceptable for you to tell me I did a good job. Appreciation is always welcome. Why is that we stop telling adults that they do a good job? Thought to ponder.
I'll leave you for now, as I have bored myself. Catch you on the flip side, but my hair won't be brushed, cause I have a sore Goose egg...didn't I tell you?
I feel you on the disciple part. Last night I showed great strength. Instead of losing my cool when Kay refused to eat dinner, throw a fit, told me she wasnt my daughter anymore and then proceeded to tell me and her sisters to be quiet, I just sat there and reminded her that when she ate her dinner she could get down.....2 hrs later she ate and got down. Ugh. Heads up
ReplyDeleteTrish - I love your blog!! Welcome to your brain!! Classic!! And FWIW, I love your brain too!!
ReplyDeleteThough today's post is a bit rambly, it is also very thought provoking. Why do we stop telling adults that they do a good job? Is it because somewhere along the way we stop admiring our peers and start competing with them? Is it because some of us somehow forget how to properly receive a compliment/praise somewhere along the way? Or because too many adults expect some kind of reward in addition to the recognition that most of us just can't give? Or I am nowhere close?
I am going to try to be more of a doer - especially when it's not "easy" to do. That's really the key isn't it? If it was easy, it's probably not as fullfilling...but some days I really wish that this rollercoaster ride known as parenting wasn't quite so dang hard. But with friends like you, I know I'll always have a group of loving, amazing, supportive Moms to guide me along.
I almost forgot - take care of that noggin'! Feel better soon my friend!!
ReplyDeletethis post made me think of a couple of phrases "If it was easy, everyone would do it" and "yes, that's why they call it WORK" usually said in relation to a job related whine on my part.
ReplyDeleteAlso - if people weren't so darn unlovable, I'd have an easier time loving them. : )