Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bliggety Bloggety Boo!

Nope, it didn't work.  Yesterday's blog post did NOT write itself. 

Busy, mundane day yesterday.  There was some grocery shopping, whining, dish shopping (will I EVER find a set I like??) some more whining, and a visit to Toys R Us.  No, that was not in response to aforementioned whining.  We went to get Ava's birthday present.  I might tell you what we got her, but you have to pinky promise not to tell her. 

Speaking of Ava.  My baby is going to be 6 in less than 2 weeks.  WHAT?!?!  How on earth did those 6 years zoom by?  I will tell you the truth as I know it, write this down cause it's a great truth in the world, most especially for parents:

"The days drag by, but the years fly!"

One day you'll be reading my blog and I'll be crying about an empty nest.  Oh, but right now, I sometimes (ok-almost always) daydream about sending them off to college.  Without a credit card.  And the ability to only call me without whining and asking for more money. LOL.

Today has been an interesting day so far.  Ava had another meltdown (she's been having a lot) and it was over a fork y'all.  Yes, I said a fork.  You know the thing with a handle and some tines at the end?  Helps you stab food and put it in your mouth?  Yep.  That.  She apparently needed a silver fork like her brother had, but her dad had given her a blue one.  Oh the drama.  After some "contemplation" time in her room, she decided to apologize to her dad...and then she had to face the mom.  Oh the horrrrrrrror!!  I made her clean the baseboards in the downstairs bathroom.  Yes, YOU may call me Mommy Dearest.  HAHAHAHA,  insert maniacal laugh here.  But on a plus side, my base boards are clean and I didn't have  to do it.  Oh yeah! 

We're going to attempt to clean out some stuff today, but my husband is already in research mode, so now he has one project that he is going to focus on all day...and perhaps we won't get as much done as I'd like.  At least he's honest...he always tells me that he "can't multi task, he can only task."  And it is true. 

Maybe I can just "Bippety Boppity Boo" and my house will clean and organize itself.

Nope, it didn't work. 

Oh, for all of you that pinky swore: It's a Polly Pocket Cruise ship.  SWEET!


  1. Your empty nest comment made me laugh. Michael left today to go back to school for his LAST SEMESTER, HALLELUJAH THANK YOU GOD! The house is too quiet already.

  2. What is up with the whole fork thing and kids??! Shelby (my 4 yr old) cries at almost every meal if she doesn't get the "flower" fork! Me:"There arent any more flower forks clean, Shelbs! Pick a different one." Shelby: "NOOOOO IIIIII WAAAAAANT THE FLOOOOWER FORK!" (with many tears falling) Seriously?!
