You choose each and every day how you WILL be when your older.
I say choose to be happy. Age is no excuse for rudeness, hear what I am saying?
Today I apparently became a nester. Way past that time, but I never did "nest" during my pregnancies. Oh how I wish I would have blogged during my pregnancies. I have a lot more sass then. A LOT. And my dreams....oh how fun they are...
I actually did post some of them to my Twin mom's message board, and I am going to put them here! I hope you enjoy!
Dream 1:6/15/11
I dreamt that I had to have a c-section and that they got the spinal in on the first go round, but then I wouldn't go all the Dr's and nurses left me ALONE in the operating room...and I was in I delivered the baby by myself

Dream 2: 2/24/11
Seriously, I'll be straight up

I had a dream that I was at the hospital, completely HUGELy pregnant (so that was good) and I was attempting a VBAC and the nurse was very hateful and said I wasn't progressing fast enough, so she was going to give me pitocin. I put up a stink and told her no because I was a VBAC, she huffed out and said she's getting the DR, so she comes back in all smug and says she's going to give it to me.
I told her I was refusing the meds and not to touch me. Jason had to jump over the bed to keep her from giving it to me in my IV and then I went running down the hall crying for my OB...and they were all chasing after me...
Dream 3: 7/17/11 This was the last I remember from before Levi was born:
This has been a recurring dream and I pray that it does NOT actually happen this way...
I've been dreaming that my water breaks in the middle of church.

And I get up to walk out and Pastor Mike stops me to pray for me....which in theory would be cool, but I would DIE of embarassment if my water broke at church and someone else had to clean it up...
I'm thinking I should start carrying resolve and a towel in the car...
Luckily, my water did NOT break at church. It broke at the hospital. I thought I wet myself. LOL. Well, thanks for following me on a short and bizarre trip down memory lane. This is my post partum nesting and nostalgia.
Maybe tomorrow's blog will stay in the present. Until then, happy nesting!